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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Presidential Election 2008

Around 2:15PM PST I had my chance to vote. This is my very first time to vote and I am very proud to let you know. I became a US citizen last August 8, 2008 and later I registered to vote for Presidential Election.

Since I lived in San Diego in Judicial Drive during my registration the Polling location I voted is located in:


The polling place was painless. There was no long line, there's not that many people. The only situation I have encountered during my vote which it wasn't major. One of the Preposition instead I mark No I accidentally mark Yes. Well there was a mistake on my cheat sheet. So I asked for a ballot replacement and the first one will go to the spoiled box. This volunteer old man just jump all over me when I asked for a replacement ballot because I made a mistake in one of the California Preposition. He told me that you are only allowed to get a ballot replacement once and that's your only chance and if you make a mistake again after this we don't give you any more ballot.

Well, first of all people make mistake and it doesn't say that you are only allowed to make mistake once. The only sign they have said, when you make a mistake asked for a ballot replacement and don't try to correct them. Second, it doesn't say that you are only allowed to make a mistake once. They should make their sign more clear. So, I told the man, 'Do you need people to vote or not? Because as what you're treating me you don't want me to vote because I asked for a ballot replacement. I can walk out here and you can keep my spoiled ballot. People make mistakes and it doesn't say anything on the sign that you are only restricted to make a mistake once.'

Overall, my vote was successful.

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